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Anyway Anyhow Anywhere (Revised Edition) : The Complete Chronicle of The Who 1958-1978 #1

Anyway Anyhow Anywhere (Revised Edition) : The Complete Chronicle of The Who 1958-1978

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Автор на обложке
Andrew Neill

О книге

Book DescriptionA completely revised and updated edition of the best book written on one of the world's greatest, and most explosive, rock bands: The Who. Organized by year, it has all the most curren
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Book DescriptionA completely revised and updated edition of the best book written on one of the world's greatest, and most explosive, rock bands: The Who. Organized by year, it has all the most current information, and will coincide with the release of the band's first new album in 32 years.

The Who put on one of the most astounding stage shows ever seen (culminating in a blaze of smashed-up instruments) and took popular music to new heights with the first rock opera. Together, songwriter Pete Townshend, sexy lead singer Roger Daltrey, guitarist John Entwhistle, and drumming wild man Keith Moon redefined rock. Here, in a series of day-to-day diaries brimming with enthusiasm, thoroughness, and fresh information, is the tale of their performing career. The authors gained rare access to various official archives, many not viewed before; to friends and associates (some of whom had never spoken publicly about their relationship with the group); and to Pete, Roger, and John themselves. Three hundred photos capture the charismatic band, Daltrey has contributed a foreword, and the diaries recount club dates, TV appearances, auditions, and recordings. No Who fan can do without this unprecedented and engrossing look at the band.

"650 images...capture The Who's journey from raucous r&b interpreters to roiling rockers..."--The Washington Post
Год выпуска
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Количество страниц
Автор на обложке
Andrew Neill
Тип книги
Книга на иностранном языке
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